Even though I was born and grown up in the land of high Himalayas and affluent of Natural beauty, I passed my most of time in terai region (plain area) and in Kathmandu valley of Nepal. When I started to live in Kathmandu every year on February we used to go Pholchowki, Daman and Nagarkot to play on snow.
When I saw snow here in Norway I remembered those days which I had passed with my friends in Nepal. We used to travel around 20-80 kilometers on motorbike just to play on snow but now I am on the land where I can see only white ground covered by ice and snow. Sometimes I am enjoying a lot to play on snow but most of time I am struggling on this cold where the temperature goes down up to -20 which freezes me. We spent most of time inside but I whatever time we spent outside it was really difficult. I thought that I was wearing enough clothes but also my body was just freeze and feel that “Oh!! Do, I able to alive on this cold”
Everything rather than cold is very good and also most of the Norwegian they didn’t like cold and they used to say “Oh!! I hate winter”. Of course they might hate this cold coz its freezing cold and mostly snowing, windy and temperature just goes down up to -20. But I had never been on such a low temperature so that I have struggle with this cold.