Sunday, November 30, 2008

World Aids Day Celebration

Red Cross youth used to have lots of activities to “STOP HIV/AIDS”. On the occasion of World Aids Day Skedsmo Red Cross Youth had organized a huge concert with 17 Band performances, which was the great effort of the young youth. I am very happy to join hands with them during this mega event to make it success. Program was well managed and besides that we had two different stands to disseminate information to public.

Highlight of the day was concert with the motto to entertain the people and disseminate information about HIV/AIDs and distribute the condoms and cake. There were altogether 17 band performances. They had organized everything very well but the bad weather ruin it. Whole day it was raining, snowing and windy. Due to the bad weather very few were in concert. Whole the organizing team including us just praying for the good weather but it does not work. It is hard to see people outside on Saturday and if weather is bad than who want to come out. So the concert was not looking like concert.

• Active Choice stand
The main motto of the stand was to demonstrate use of condom. Due to the worst weather we haven’t got many participants to see but we had demonstrated it to some. On the stand we also distributed the condoms pack with the information about using it safely. Pack has many interesting and funny slogans on it. On that day we are able to distribute around 1500 condoms. Stand was handling by the local youth group of Nannestad and we also support them to hold stand.

• Say no to cluster Bombs Stand
Today lots of people were losing their lives due to the cluster munitions which were used by arms during war. Most of cluster bomb they used during the war among them about 60% was blast and other are still on land due to which mostly kids are losing their lives because they look like toys. So, too aware about the fact and join hands against cluster bombs we had information brochure and have a hand print on white clothes. We also had stand on the concert do inform people about the conference going to be held on 3rd and 4th December on Oslo

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