Perception of neutral humanitarian organization Red Cross was brought among all by Henry Dunant, 150 years ago as a witness of battle in Solferino. He saw the need for a neutral humanitarian organization and brought his feelings by means of book “Memory of Solferino”. A neutral organization that does not take positions in the conflicts, that is only there to help victims. Red Cross Red Crescent and Red Cristal is the world biggest and most popular humanitarian organization extended over 186 countries. I have been part of this organization from last five years as volunteer.
Seven basic principles: Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality leads Red Cross to be more popular and among them Neutrality is the main key which made easy to get access everywhere during conflict as well as on other situation also. The theme for this year is “Neutrality” which is one of most important principles of Red Cross. Norwegian Red Cross society had organized a seminar on Neutrality in Henry Dunant Hall on the building of National society.
Seminar begins with welcome speech by Norwegian Red Cross President Sven Mollekleiv and than we had keynote Speaker Martti Ahtisaari, 2008 Nobel peace prize laureate “Is Neutrality a tool in Peace negotiations?”

We also heard from President of Palestinian Red Crescent Society Al-Khatib on Practice of “Neutrality in the midst of conflict”. He had shared lots of good examples and challenges they have to face during the period of conflict. Similarly there was Chile Eboe-Osuji, Head of Chambers ICTR had speech on Neutrality and the practicalities of prosecution, Anne-Marie de la Rosa, legal adviser of ICRC spoke about “The legel premise for and legal benefits of neutrality” and Inge Lønning spoke about Parliament’s responsibility to ensure respect for the neutral space in humanitarian action.

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