Norwegian Red youth basically focused on major four activities ACTIVE CHOICE, RULES OF WAR (International Humanitarian Law), ON THE RUN (24 hours role play) and ASHYLUM ACTIVITIES. But every year Norwegian Red Cross Youth also has yearly campaign this year it is on HUMAN TRAFFICKING as a yearly campaing under a topic WHEN DIASTER HITS.
During this time period I have been part of all activities to help local youth groups of Akershus Red Cross Youth and also other groups out of district which is our main task as a youth delegate. Active Choice is an activity which is designed with a motto to provide information about sexual health to young people. Some reports say that Norwegians are world champions when it comes to unprotected sex. More than 20’000 Norwegians are infected by Chlamydia each year. So, to disseminate information about sexual health we used to visit, different schools which has conformation groups (conformation group is a group of young people who have been entered their fifteen).
We had visited three different schools of Kjellervolla, Sørumsand and Stalsberg to hold active choice workshop for the young conformation group. We were altogether six instructors and five volunteer for holding workshop. It seems like a big challenge to hold workshop for 270 students but it went very well. The young students are of about 15 years old. Most of the participants seems like feeling shy but they were active and been part on every activities.
The course begins with Condom cocktail, puzzle, agree and disagree and condom demonstration. We mostly finish course distrubuting condoms to all participants.
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