Tuesday, June 9, 2009

RUSS in Norway

Russ are the three weeks before high school students in Norway start their exams. This means partying, doing crazy stuff, driving around in big buses with huge sound systems and walking around in red, blue or black dresses. During this period most of youths are doing lots of crazy things like drinking lots of alcohol, having sex and many others !!

The color of the overall should match the graduate's line of study: Red for courses that are geared towards higher education (this is the most common color), blue for courses in Business (also higher education in economics and management), white for Medical and social studies , black for Engineering (such as mechanics or electrics), and green for agricultural fields. The two latter colors are rarely seen due to the lower student numbers in such courses. I had also not seen those two colors during this year Russ Celebration.
Students who are on RUSS they have to wear a dress which are usually available in two versions, one full overall (with arms), and one resembling dungarees. Which of the two versions are more popular varies from year to year. Currently, the dungaree version is most popular due to influence from American rap culture. They have to wear same cloths whole three weeks.

On the morning of the national day the attire is completed by the ceremonial addition of the russelue (Russ cap), which evolved from the traditional student cap used for university acceptance and graduation ceremonies.
The ceremony involves the christening of the graduate, in which the graduate is awarded a name by his or her fellow graduates which, in their opinion, either characterizes an aspect of the graduate's normal behaviour, or the one exhibited during the russefeiring. This name is written on the brim before the cap is handed over. The cap should match the overall in colour, and should be worn for the entire national day, which completes the russefeiring. This way, the russ' attire is complete before they join the local national day parade, which is the culmination of the russefeiring.

Other common Russ paraphernalia is the whip and the whistle. The whip was originally a birch twig, but is now often purchased and made from bamboo or plastic. It is used for banging things (such as the Russ' car) rhythmically while chanting slogans in the 17th of May parade. The whistle resembles a common sports whistle, and is also used to make noise in the parade.
Russ cards
Russ cards (russekort) are ridicule card which look like business cards that the russ will hand out to anyone that asks for them. I had also collected some cards during this period just for fun. They contain a picture, contact details, and a slogan. Usually the picture is either a funny picture of the graduate him or herself, or a drawing, picture of a celebrity, or other funny picture. The name and contact details are usually spoofs and the slogan is a joke.

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